Monday, October 03, 2011

Display Case

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The Olds College Turf Club display case in the Land Science Center on campus has been in need of a renovation for quite a few years. Starting at the end of the last school year, Andrew Leggett and I began to develop a plan to redo it. In collaboration with the program coordinator Dave Moroz, we constructed a cross section of a USGA specification green. This included the clay subgrade, trenched in drain tile, 4” of a gravel drainage blanket, 2” choker or intermediate layer, and 12” of rootzone mix, with an artificial turf on the surface. The Flag with the new Turf Club logo was supplied by Brett Young & Standard Golf. The plan is for current and future members of the Turf Club to continually bring golf balls with their course logo to be placed on permanent display. 

Cam Champion